landscape design

Golf Data has been entrusted with the design and re-design of many of South Africa’s best residential estates and private gardens. We design for people, creating spaces and environments where people want to play, linger, live, enjoy and stay. Our inhouse design department consisting of four qualified Landscape Architects, focuses on working closely with clients to facilitate the shaping of their visions on site. We engage with people and the environment through research and observation, with a keen understanding of history, culture and the natural environment, enabling us to successfully translate needs into detailed design, technical resolve and environments that evoke excitement.
We are SALI registered and focus on staying updated with industry trends and networks. This department has proven to be valuable to our clients as we are able to offer a full turn-key solution.
Our landscaping design services include:
Full landscape architectural services
Spatial frameworks
Urban design
Design concepts
Sketch plans
Workshop drawings
Visual presentations
Estate / Master planning
Estate audit quality controls
Environmental solutions and suggestions for estates
Sporting facilities development
Detail costings and Bill of Quantities
Tender documentation
Visual impact assessments

landscaping advisory team

Through the provision of both construction and maintenance related projects over the past 30 years, we identified the need for a highly skilled advisory team that can provide support services to our supervisors and staff on site. This need has culminated in the development of a landscaping advisory team of four highly qualified Landscape Architects. The advisory team provides a range of services to Golf Data clients, from the development of intricate landscape designs, to the provision of on-site advisory services. They are also focused on staying in touch with industry trends and changes, to ensure our sites are always maintained in line with industry standards.
All of our maintenance clients benefit from the skills of the advisory team, as they work closely with all supervisors to ensure intensive planning guides all decisions on sites. Our supervisors can tap into the knowledge of our advisory team at any stage during a maintenance project, and this has proven to be invaluable across the residential estates currently maintained by Golf Data.
We have also extended our presence at residential estates that are currently maintained in-house but require additional advisory services. This service entails the allocation of a Landscape Architect, where monthly site visits take place to ensure a hands-on approach is adopted. As such, the designated Architect works closely with the client to understand their estate needs and provides guidelines to develop 5- and 10-year maintenance planning frameworks.
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